History, College of Social Sciences and Humanities

ERC Starting Grant 2015

UrbanOccupationsOETR : Industrialisation and Urban Growth from the mid-nineteenth century Ottoman Empire to Contemporary Türkiye in a Comparative Perspective, 1850-2000

[project website] [CORDIS profile] [ERIS profile]

Dr. Kabadayı’s ERC action aims to overcome historiographical and disciplinary limitations in social and economic history, historical geography and urban studies for the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Türkiye. The chosen long-term Ottoman/Turkish perspective is intended to facilitate comparative approaches so as to overcome the limitations of national historiographies. By extending the analysis up to 2000, UrbanOccupationsOETR also challenges the disciplinary divide between economic history, economics and urban studies in research on Türkiye.

The project focuses on the dynamics of industrialisation, urbanisation and their accompanying changes in occupational structures and residential and migration patterns. To be able to contextualise and compare changes in occupational structure and urban growth trajectories across time and space, solid and detailed datasets of occupational structure and historical demographics for a very large part of the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century and for the entire Türkiye in the 20th century will be constructed. This project is an attempt at bringing Ottoman/Turkish history into the newly emerging field of digital humanities. The action uses advanced techniques of spatial data and multiple correspondence analysis in conjuncture to answer long debated research questions and to formulate and work on new ones by taking an unprecedented step forward toward establishing a digital research infrastructure for the social and economic history of the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Türkiye.

So far Dr. Kabadayi’s research group has also produced a series of public datasets, accessible here.

Dr. Kabadayı received his Ph.D. from the University of Munich in 2008. Until 2015 he has mainly worked on the economic, financial and labor history of the Ottoman Empire. Currently, he focuses on the economic history of the Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria, Greece, and Türkiye., interlinked with the disciplines of digital and geospatial humanities.